KREWE is a social organization that puts on a parade or ball for the Carnival Season. The term is best known for its association with Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans.
What is GUMBO?
An aromatic soup or stew characteristic of the Creole Cuisine of Louisiana, combining African, American Indian, and European elements. Blending the West African OKRA, the French ROUX.(flour & butter) the Spanish mixture of Onions,Celery, Bell Peppers (THE TRINITY), American Indian, FILE (Ground Sassafras Leaves) and RICE given to the world by China.
Is a Delicious Mix of Cultures blending Together to PARADE to PARTY to PASS A GOOD TIME, BECAUSE
"Una Sums Magni" ="TOGETHER WE ARE GREAT!"
Join the Krewe of Gumbo and "Let the GREAT Times Roll"
Fleur De Lis Charities is a non profit organization producing Krewe of Gumbo. Search at